by my supertwin Tori Wild (wild4Stamps)! Long story short, we are both named Tori (spelled the same way - very rare - And we both have sons named Parker that are 5! Too coincidental to not be supertwins!! Ha!
Here are the rules:
1. Link your tagger and list these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
My facts:
1. I love to deep sea fish, but HATE to eat fish - weird, eh?
2. I had a grandmother growing up that was a Catholic Nun! (Long, but true story...)
3. I love Coke! Not Diet Coke, not Cherry Coke, just Coke, out of a can, cold, but no ice!
4. I got hit by an 18 wheeler my junior year of high school coming home from Spring Break in Galveston Island, TX. My friend's brand new Blazer rolled down an enbankment 2.5 times (landing upside down), but we managed to walk away from the accident. I, being in the back seat, had just put my seatbelt on not 5 minutes prior to the accident. I am still a little leary of the big rigs today.
5. In my freshman year of college, I wanted to be a forensic pathologist and have actually been to an autopsy my senior year of high school. It was a field trip our Anatomy & Physiology Class took. It was very cool!
6. I (like my supertwin, Tori) love to watch murder mysteries, and read them too. Patricia Cornwell is one of my favorite authors (for those who are not familiar with her, she writes about a re-occuring character that is a forensic pathologist!) My fav shows are Cold Case, CSI, CSI Miami, American Justice, City Confidential, NCIS, etc - you get it, I have some fixation on solving murder mysteries.
7. I got my first speeding ticket ever (I am 32.) last year.
I am tagging:
Melisa Waldorf (
Lesley Freiner (
Robin Cuevas (
Melita Ganoe (
Terry Thayer (
Jenny Maron (
Pam Bearden ( )